オサンポ walk - 虫bug: スミレにツマグロヒョウモンを想う Thinking of Argyreus hyperbius when I see violets

2021年05月27日 | 日記






In a few years, I've seen many Argyreus hyperbius(orange with black dots on thier wings) during summer in the neighbourhood.

I hadn't seen them before so I checked it out then I knew that they eat violet. I've got an idea that I see many violets that become weed around here.

But here are the gardeners who cut weed frequently, so the violets are cut, too. Was there their egg or not? There are only a little remainders of the violets' stalk on the ground. I feel sad.

Like the picture, whenever I find a violet that has still their fresh leaves, I try to search their caterpillar(baby) but there were no babies. Eggs haven't eclosed yet?

Can I also see many Argyreus hyperbius this summer ?

*not sure about my English...

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