数日前に道端で、写真にあるナガミヒナゲシと思われるオレンジ色の花に遭遇した。あれもう咲いている?! と少し戸惑ったが開花期が4月〜5月とあるから、まあそんなもんかな・・・と納得。
英語だとField poppy, Longhead poppyと言うようで、確かにポピーっぽい。でも姿は可愛らしいけど、外来生物に分類されておりちょっとメイワク扱いされている。
Is it early spring or spring yet? We've had many blooming Sakura already, so it must be Spring.
I met some Field poppies that were blooming on the side of footpathes a few days ago. I thought that it was too early but their season was around from April to May, so it is OK.
Their flower is bright and deep orange so it is easy too find them. We had 20 degrees around a week ago, they might have woke up by that.
I enjoy seeing them, I find some funny facts. One of them is about their size of flower. Each flowers are different, from very small to very big. When it is very small, the size is less than 1cm. I like miniature so I love them because they are like miniature.
Their English names are Field poppy, Longhead poppy. "Poppy", yes, they look like poppy. They are lovely but..they've come from foreigh countries to Japan for a long time ago. They've been annyoing the original plants in Japan.
I try to pick them up and take them to home when I am able to do that. Try to reduce their numbers and to protect the original ones, though it wouldn't help the ones...
*not sure about my English...