オサンポ walk - 初春の草花&鳥模様:ユウゲショウ? Flowers&Bird in early Spring

2023年01月15日 | 日記



同じ日のヒヨドリ a kind of Bulbul

そしてテントウムシにも I also met a ladybug

We had the first three days holiday at the weekend (Monday was a national holiday) in 2023. It was so lovely day, there was a clear blue sky. I was enjoying walking even to go shopping at the supermarket, I found two pink little flowers in the flowerbed. 

Close to them, I was a bit surprised the truth that meant the flowers looked like rose evening-primerose. Normaly, they open around May. It seems too early to flower...because of the truly fine day?

*not sure my English...


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