ドングリ系の日々 No.3 - Acorns' daily

2023年01月27日 | 日記

同じドングリ系でも、こちらは紅葉しないマテバシイ(orシイノキ)かな? と思っているみんなよく似ている5(ファイブ)どんぐりーず。


I think that they would be Pasania edulis(or Derris trifoliata), they look like the same as each other. I call it 5 acorns.

I am sad about one acorn(kind of) was blasted. Keep on seeing their growing up, I really understand how much difficut they grow up to be mature. Trees that we have to look up to see, how long time do they spend to grow up... I really appreciate them.

*not sure my Engish...


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