動物園日乗 Zoo diary - (リーリー Ri Ri) in 上野動物園 Ueno Zoological Gardens

2018年05月07日 | 日記

Father of Xiang Xiang
Before going back home
Taking a bath

シャンシャンに会いに行ったその日、リーリー のお帰り時間は16時ということでギリギリ会えたのですが…。帰る前に扉近くを何周かしていて、そのまま行ってしまうのかな? と様子を伺っていますとふいに手前側に寄ってきてすっとお風呂(水場?)に入りました。あら。その姿、なんかニンゲンくさいですね? 時間にして30秒ほどだったでしょうか。「ふ〜」と一息つけたのか、おもむろにお風呂から出て少し周りを歩いてから、扉の奥へと行ってしまいました。父リーリー に会える時間は、その日その日で長短色々みたいですね。生き物だもの、色々あらあな、ですな。

I went to see Xiang Xiang and Sin Sin(Xiang Xiang's mum), the same day, I also saw Ri Ri(Xiang Xiang's daddy). He was outside until 4pm, it depends on his condition. I could see him just before he was going to go home. When I got him, he was walking around near the door, but suddenly he came to the front area (it's close to us), then took a bath around for 30 seconds. He might have been relaxed before going back? Then, he got out of the bath, walking a little, went home. That day, the Zoo was opened until 18pm. Sometimes, some of them would go home earlier than the closing time. Which animals we can see, it depends on their conditions. Because they are living nature.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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