
Hanging on the rope
Emerged from a pupa
Became a cicada in summer
こんな風に器用に、ロープにぶら下がって羽化する蝉もいるんですね。(近くに3個ほど抜け殻がありました) 歩道のキワを見てみると土に接していて、小さくて分かりづらいかもですが、小さな穴が開いていました。恐らく、この穴から出てきてここまで這い登ったんだろうな、と想像しました。ニンゲンの預かり知らぬところでも、昆虫たちはちゃんと生きています。

I'm impressed about those cicadas (there were three exuviae on the rope near here), that seemed to be good at hanging on the rope. Then they emerged from pupae. I found small holes on the ground that were around at the edge of the footpath. They might have come out of the holes, crossed the footpath then climbed the pole and then...
Those insects also live, even we don't notice them.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.

Hanging on the rope
Emerged from a pupa
Became a cicada in summer
こんな風に器用に、ロープにぶら下がって羽化する蝉もいるんですね。(近くに3個ほど抜け殻がありました) 歩道のキワを見てみると土に接していて、小さくて分かりづらいかもですが、小さな穴が開いていました。恐らく、この穴から出てきてここまで這い登ったんだろうな、と想像しました。ニンゲンの預かり知らぬところでも、昆虫たちはちゃんと生きています。

I'm impressed about those cicadas (there were three exuviae on the rope near here), that seemed to be good at hanging on the rope. Then they emerged from pupae. I found small holes on the ground that were around at the edge of the footpath. They might have come out of the holes, crossed the footpath then climbed the pole and then...
Those insects also live, even we don't notice them.
*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.