After Christmas
It's Boxing Day
お天気が良かったので、オサンポに行かねば! とご近所を散策。一軒家が立ち並ぶ地域を通ってまた近くの湖へ。しかし! 湖だと思っていたのは海でした。
It's a lovely day, I took a walk near here. I passed through the area which had detached horses. I went to the lake, but it was not, actually, it was the sea!!
住宅街の電柱に、バザー? やサンタのアルバイト? などの個人的な広告を発見。
I found some private advertisements on the electric poles. A small fair? Recruitment of a part time job-Sant Claus?
低木の茂みに小鳥タチ。モズ? 雀より警戒心が低いんでしょーか? 結構近くに寄れます。
I saw many dogs, they were walking with their owners.
I found many small birds in bushes. They were lovely. I could get close to them.
何処まで続く遊歩道…? 行けるトコまで行ってみたいと思いましたが、暗くなって来たので諦めて帰りました。
It is the sea... The sea changes its shape, sometimes it's like river, sometimes it's like lake. There is always footpath beside it. Many people enjoyed themselves with their walking and jogging. I would like to walk more, until it's finished. But the sun was going down, I gave up then went home.
After Christmas
It's Boxing Day
お天気が良かったので、オサンポに行かねば! とご近所を散策。一軒家が立ち並ぶ地域を通ってまた近くの湖へ。しかし! 湖だと思っていたのは海でした。
It's a lovely day, I took a walk near here. I passed through the area which had detached horses. I went to the lake, but it was not, actually, it was the sea!!
住宅街の電柱に、バザー? やサンタのアルバイト? などの個人的な広告を発見。
I found some private advertisements on the electric poles. A small fair? Recruitment of a part time job-Sant Claus?
低木の茂みに小鳥タチ。モズ? 雀より警戒心が低いんでしょーか? 結構近くに寄れます。
I saw many dogs, they were walking with their owners.
I found many small birds in bushes. They were lovely. I could get close to them.
何処まで続く遊歩道…? 行けるトコまで行ってみたいと思いましたが、暗くなって来たので諦めて帰りました。
It is the sea... The sea changes its shape, sometimes it's like river, sometimes it's like lake. There is always footpath beside it. Many people enjoyed themselves with their walking and jogging. I would like to walk more, until it's finished. But the sun was going down, I gave up then went home.