へ 行って 博物館
I'm going to go to
The city centre
To visit at the museums
This is about yesterday. I went to the city centre to visit at some museums. I took the photo just coming out of the door. It seemed cold? I think it was around 5c something.
It takes around 20mins from the apartment to the station. I see that kind of landscapes during walking.
The direction of forward movement
The back forward
I see many white birches everywhere. It looks similar to Japan's but I've heard it's different kinds from ours.
There are a few mans who are working with the road.
にゃんこもいるはずですが、スーパーでキャットフードを見たので。でも猫は外ではまだ見たことありません。寒いですからねぇ。おウチでぬくぬくしているんでしょうか? 外で生活している猫、はいないのかにゃ?
I see many people who taking dogs in everywhere. I know cats are also here, as I found cats food at the supermarkets, but I've never seen them. They must be inside because outside is very cold. Is it difficult to live outside for cats here?
When we cross a road, sometime we use the device to change a signal by hand.
It's the bus station at the metro station.
地下鉄駅内です。今日は初めて一人でシティーセンターに向かうのですが、英語の表記が無いので方向が分からず、確かコッチの方だったよなぁ? とホームに降りて、でも何か不安、と壁にある右側の路線図を見ていたら、近くにいたおっちゃんが、「今君はここにいるだよ」的に駅を指差してくれて、それは知ってるんだす、んでこのホームはシティーセンター行く方ですよね? 的に地図上で方向をポイントしたら、「違う違う。そっち行くなら反対のホームだよ」と身振り手振りで教えてくれました。あらま。ありがとうおっちゃん!
Those are the inside station. It was the first time to go to the city centre by myself. I was not sure if the platform was correct. When I looked at the metro map, some old man near me told me you were here, I knew where I was. I asked him about the direction to the city centre, he told me I was wrong side. I had to move the other side of platform. Thanks!
へ 行って 博物館
I'm going to go to
The city centre
To visit at the museums
This is about yesterday. I went to the city centre to visit at some museums. I took the photo just coming out of the door. It seemed cold? I think it was around 5c something.
It takes around 20mins from the apartment to the station. I see that kind of landscapes during walking.
The direction of forward movement
The back forward
I see many white birches everywhere. It looks similar to Japan's but I've heard it's different kinds from ours.
There are a few mans who are working with the road.
にゃんこもいるはずですが、スーパーでキャットフードを見たので。でも猫は外ではまだ見たことありません。寒いですからねぇ。おウチでぬくぬくしているんでしょうか? 外で生活している猫、はいないのかにゃ?
I see many people who taking dogs in everywhere. I know cats are also here, as I found cats food at the supermarkets, but I've never seen them. They must be inside because outside is very cold. Is it difficult to live outside for cats here?
When we cross a road, sometime we use the device to change a signal by hand.
It's the bus station at the metro station.
地下鉄駅内です。今日は初めて一人でシティーセンターに向かうのですが、英語の表記が無いので方向が分からず、確かコッチの方だったよなぁ? とホームに降りて、でも何か不安、と壁にある右側の路線図を見ていたら、近くにいたおっちゃんが、「今君はここにいるだよ」的に駅を指差してくれて、それは知ってるんだす、んでこのホームはシティーセンター行く方ですよね? 的に地図上で方向をポイントしたら、「違う違う。そっち行くなら反対のホームだよ」と身振り手振りで教えてくれました。あらま。ありがとうおっちゃん!
Those are the inside station. It was the first time to go to the city centre by myself. I was not sure if the platform was correct. When I looked at the metro map, some old man near me told me you were here, I knew where I was. I asked him about the direction to the city centre, he told me I was wrong side. I had to move the other side of platform. Thanks!