オサンポ walk - スキマ草Plant : アベリア似 this plant looks like abelia

2020年09月20日 | 日記




I thought that

This plant looks like










I found this plant at the edge of the side ditch that looked like abelia, I call it you-look-like-abelia. It changed the colour that turned into red, I thought that I saw Autumn. At the first, I thought it Japanese bush clover, but its leaves are more round. I checked other plants, I found abelia.

In this summer, I finally picked up this name abelia. I've seen this plant in my neighbourfood for many  years, but I didn't know his(her) name. I have recognised him as beging good at having bees. Many bees love this abelia that have small white flowers. They open thier flowers for a long time.

When I was child, I was not happy to pass by them. I was scared of bees on. But now, I know about bees a little bit more than I was child. We just keep quiet and leave with placidity when we see bees, so that bees will not come close to us. Bees are various, they have different characters, we should know thier characteristic.

About you-look-like-abelia, if he is abelia, and if he will not be pulled out, when he has flowers, some bees will come. I will see him.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.


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