イマヨンデルホンハ コレダヨ。
アチコチ コクナイヲボウケンシテ ...。
サイゴハアラスカ ダ、ヨ。

I'm reading this book at the moment.
I borrow it by a friend of mine.
This book is about a American fellow who liked nature.
He had got his adventures in the nature, then....his finale adventure was in Alaska.
アチコチ コクナイヲボウケンシテ ...。
サイゴハアラスカ ダ、ヨ。

I'm reading this book at the moment.
I borrow it by a friend of mine.
This book is about a American fellow who liked nature.
He had got his adventures in the nature, then....his finale adventure was in Alaska.