ビックリ チョコだよ
It's a long time no see
I was surprised about the chocolate sweet
It's a Bikkuri-man
職場で雑談中にとある女子が「ワタシ、ビックリマンが好きデ」という発言があり、コレにビックリ。「え? ビックリマンってあのビックリマンチョコのこと?」「んだんだ」「え、今でも売ってるの?」「んだんだ」ほえー。十何年ブリに耳にする子供時代のお菓子。早速近所のスーパーに見に行くと、アイテムを絞って売っているよーなお店には置いていませんで、駅前のちょいでかめなスーパーに行くとありました。へー。「あのウエハースが好きデ」へー。こーいう"小さな"(?)お気に入りがあると、楽しみが広がってイイなと思いましたん。
When we girls were chatting, one girl told us " I love Bikkuri-man." "Oh? Did you say Bikkuri-man?" "Yes, yes" " is that Bikkuri-man Choco?" "Yes, yes" "Has the Choco still sold?" "Yes, yes" ( if you would like to know about Bikkuri-man, you could visit at http://bikkuri-man.mediagalaxy.ne.jp/index0.html ) OH! It is sweets for children, I know it from when I was a child. But I haven't seen nor eaten it recently. I went to see it at the supermarket near my house, they didn't have it, I went to see it at another supermarket bigger that that. I found it, I touched a little. It's like nostalgic. I think if we have got my favourite small sweets( snack ) like this, it could make our lives colourful.
Here is an old news about Bikkuri-man's original pictures exhibit at Shibuya in Tokyo. →
Many people got there, it told us how popular "Bikkuri-man Choco" was!!
ビックリ チョコだよ
It's a long time no see
I was surprised about the chocolate sweet
It's a Bikkuri-man
職場で雑談中にとある女子が「ワタシ、ビックリマンが好きデ」という発言があり、コレにビックリ。「え? ビックリマンってあのビックリマンチョコのこと?」「んだんだ」「え、今でも売ってるの?」「んだんだ」ほえー。十何年ブリに耳にする子供時代のお菓子。早速近所のスーパーに見に行くと、アイテムを絞って売っているよーなお店には置いていませんで、駅前のちょいでかめなスーパーに行くとありました。へー。「あのウエハースが好きデ」へー。こーいう"小さな"(?)お気に入りがあると、楽しみが広がってイイなと思いましたん。
When we girls were chatting, one girl told us " I love Bikkuri-man." "Oh? Did you say Bikkuri-man?" "Yes, yes" " is that Bikkuri-man Choco?" "Yes, yes" "Has the Choco still sold?" "Yes, yes" ( if you would like to know about Bikkuri-man, you could visit at http://bikkuri-man.mediagalaxy.ne.jp/index0.html ) OH! It is sweets for children, I know it from when I was a child. But I haven't seen nor eaten it recently. I went to see it at the supermarket near my house, they didn't have it, I went to see it at another supermarket bigger that that. I found it, I touched a little. It's like nostalgic. I think if we have got my favourite small sweets( snack ) like this, it could make our lives colourful.
Here is an old news about Bikkuri-man's original pictures exhibit at Shibuya in Tokyo. →
Many people got there, it told us how popular "Bikkuri-man Choco" was!!