オサンポ walk - 植物plant: しんがりを務める the last one

2019年10月04日 | 日記

I am the last one
After everyone bloomed
I have decided it

マリーゴールドでしょうか。花壇に二つ株があって、両方合わせての最後の一輪ぽかったですね。最後は私(僕)よ! っと決心して咲いたかのような見事な一輪咲き、に思えました。

It would be Marigold. There were two of it in the flowerbed. It's the last flower among them. I thought that the flower decided itself to be the last. Great.
Or, I guess that this Marigold has been still lively, that's why, just blooming. At all events, I was happy to see her(him?).

*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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