オサンポ walk - 虫bug: てんとう虫がいるので there is a ladybug so,

2020年05月11日 | 日記
If there is a ladybug
There must be some aphids
It is a rule 


What I wrote on note. com is:
I love seeing any plants, Sukima-soh and so on, plants and insects are friends, when I see a flower, sometimes I meet some insects at the same time. Honestly, I am not good at being friends with insects, some of them are OK. I am OK with ladybug but not with aphid. I am happy to find a ladybug but I am scared of finding aphids. Plants and insects cannot be separated, I would like to be a person who is OK with any insects. Strongly hope!

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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