ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム :セリアで2 / love miniature - IWAKO erasers at Seria ¥100 shop

2017年12月15日 | 日記

There is also a dog
Because next year's symbol animal is dog
Not sure

「来年の干支がイヌだから」は、関係ない? と思うのですが犬小屋付きでカワイイと思ってゲットしてしまいました。基本一袋に3個入りだと思うのですが、このワンコと犬小屋の袋は4個入っていました。

Japan, Korea and China, we have got the symbol animals for each year. For next year, it's dog. They are lovely erasers of IWAKO company. I found a dog and a dog house in the three ones in their package. (Actually, the dog and her(?) house were in the four. ) I'm not sure they came here from the next year. Anyway, it's lovely, I bought it...(and also one more package...the same company)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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