陽が沈んで辺りが暗くなり家に向かって歩いている途中、石垣に似せた壁のそばを通り過ぎたとき、やたらと大きな声(音)で鳴いている秋虫---コオロギ? に気づいた。
After sunset, when I was on my way to home, I heard an insect that was singing loudly on the wall.
Around my neighbourhood, it has been geting to be difficult to hear that many insects in autumn are singing. This cricket has been behind from others? We normally cannot see any insects(kinds of cricket) in autumn even though we hear their singing. We can know where they are but we are nearly impossible to see them. But that night, one cricket showed us himself.
I was happy to see him but, he would have been...alone, he might have been keen to meet the women. If so...
I told him that I wished your luck. And then, I recorded his song.
*not sure about my English...