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2011年09月16日 | きのこ情報


○植原 一雄 他.マツタケ菌の生育に及ぼすビタミン及びマツタケオールの影響について.
 広島農業短期大学研究報告 1(1), 1958-05

○寺下 隆夫 他.マツタケの栄養菌糸のマツタケオ-ル(1-octen-3-ol)生産におよぼす低温処理効果.
 日本菌学会会報 32(4), p477-484, 1991-12

 農化誌 50(4), p.185~186, 1976

○Kenji MATSUI, Satomi SASAHARA, Yoshihiko AKAKABE and Tadahiko KAJIWARA, Linoleic Acid 10-Hydroperoxide as an Intermediate during Formation of 1-Octen-3-ol from Linoleic Acid in Lentinus decadetes.
Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 67, 2280-2282 (2003) .

○Kenji MATSUI, Satomi SASAHARA, Yoshihiko AKAKABE and Tadahiko KAJIWARA
Linoleic Acid 10-Hydroperoxide as an Intermediate during Formation of 1-Octen-3-ol from Linoleic Acid in Lentinus decadetes.
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 67, p.2280-2282 (2003)

○Yoshihiko AKAKABE, Kenji MATSUI and Tadahiko KAJIWARA.Stereochemical Correlation between 10-Hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic Acid and 1-Octen-3-ol in Lentinula edodes and Tricholoma matsutake Mushrooms.
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 69(8), p.1539-1544 (2005)

○Pattana KAKUMYAN and Kenji MATSUI, Characterization of Volatile Compounds in Astraeus spp.
 Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 73, 2742-2745 (2009) .

○Chung-May WU and Ziyang WANG,Volatile Compounds in Fresh and Processed Shiitake Mushrooms (Lentinus edodes Sing.)
 Food Science and Technology Research. Vol. 6, 166-170. (2000)

○今井 具子,佐々木 弘子,青柳 康夫, 菅原 龍幸,キシメジ科の栽培キノコ類の嗜好成分について
 日本食生活学会誌, Vol. 10 (1999) No. 2 pp.50-60