It was Mr.Todda, the director of our commercial.
This time, he definitely wants to use a famous actress
or model for the commercial.
It was Mr.Todda, the director of our commercial.
This time, he definitely wants to use a famous actress
or model for the commercial.
As We've got a bigger budget,
we don't have to cast a memver of our own staff
in the commercial.
(1)医師、地方定着へ新奨学金 「地域枠」医学生に 9年現地勤務で返済免除 厚労省
(2)FT イタリア財政赤字悪化 欧州委、猶予に応じよ
(3)ドイツ銀、黒字300億円 経営不安、ひとまず後退 7~9月最終
(3)トヨタ、カーシェア後押し 個人間仲介の米社に出資 事業モデル転機 需要喚起狙う
(4)格安スマホ 大容量通信 楽天 大手比3割安プラン
(5)オムロン純利益35%減 4~9月スマホ部品で減損