なんとかなるもんだよZUYAさん! ( Hey, ZUYA. You Can Do It! ) 

『なんてこったいZUYAさん!!』をVersion Up.“崖っぷちブルーズマン”ZUYA(ずうや)の悲喜交々を綴る。

Are you sane, or not? (正気かい?)

2024年11月07日 | English

At Madison, Wisconsin in 2018.


Hi, How's going, folks?


Tonight I'm updating my blog in English


At Madison, Wisconsin in 2018.



I just don't wanna forget to write and speak in English  


At Madison, Wisconsin in 2018.


Sometimes I doubt if my dad has dementia or not.

I mean I can't recognize if he is actting the fool, just getting senile and has truly dementia whenever I visited him and talked to him  


Because he is one of the pure Osaka people.

Most of them like actting the fool in a conversation as if they were comedian.

You know what I mean?


It's what we call "Boke".

You might know the word  


At Madison, Wisconsin in 2018.


Anyway, I'm been tired of thinking of it all this year.

Hey, Folks!

Please pray I will be able to sleep well tonight









Have A Good Night,Folks!



