歴程日誌 ー創造的無と統合的経験ー

Process Diary
Creative Nothingness & Integrative Experience

Arai Hakuseki and Giovanni Battista Sidoti

2019-03-21 |  宗教 Religion

Arai Hakuseki’s manuscript of Record of Things Heard From the West (西洋紀聞) in his own handwriting.(National Archives of Japan, Cabinet Library Jap. 32551 3-1)-- The date of Sidoti’s death and Records about Chosuke & Haru --

It was in the winter of Shotoku 4 that an elderly slave couple, Chōsuke(male) and Haru(female), who had once served an apostate Christian prisoner (his name may be Kurokawa Jyuan, or Francisco Johan in his native Language) , surrendered themselves to the office, saying, “We were previously taught the (Christian) Law by our master during his life-time, but we didn’t consider it right to betray the Great Prohibition of the country.  But after long years elapsed, we encountered the person who had come here for the Law after traveling ten thousand of miles from abroad in spite of the dangerous risk, and then was captivated at last.  Seeing this person, we feel ashamed of being frugal of (mundane) short life. Fearing of going through hell for a long time, we have received the Law from him, and are Christians now. If we don’t confess these things, it would look like a treachery to the benevolence of the country. As we have confessed our faith, you should punish us according to the Law of the country.”  The husband and wife were separated and confined for the time being. On March next year, the Roman (Sidoti) was investigated through the help of a translator who accompanied the Dutch Envoy, and was sent into prison on the grave charge of secretly giving Christian Law to the couple concerned.  And it came to pass that he (Sidoti) cried loudly the names of the couple from the bottom of his heart encouraging them incessantly to confirm their faith and not to change their fortitude until death. …….On October 7 of this year, the husband slave became sick and died at the age of 55 according to the report. Since the middle of October the Roman had also suffered from sickness and died at midnight on the 21th of the same month. His age may be 47.  (Translated by Yutaka Tanaka)

Note about the exact date of Sidoti’s death

 Japanese historians agree that Sidoti died in 1714. The reason why some commentators in the past wrongly thought that he died in 1715 is partly due to Arai Hakuseki’s error in his hand writing. He writes “It was in the winter of Shotoku 4 that an elderly slave couple…..” (at the beginning of the above citation), and , “On March next year, the Roman (Sidotti) was investigated through the help of a translator who accompanied the Dutch….”According to Hakuseki’s diary, he met the Dutch Envoy to Edo (Tokyo) at Asakusa on March 3 in Shotoku 4 (1714).  So “On March next year” is Shotoku 4 (1714) and not Shotoku 5 (1715)


Note about the exact translation of "受戒"

Previous (second-hand)literatures say that Chosuke and Haru were baptized by Sidoti.
 "受戒" is originally a Buddhist term which literally means "to receive Law or Commandment”, that is “to become monk” or “to become a devoted believer (in the case of lay persons)”.
According to Kobinata Diary, they were former Christians forced to apostatize before they met Sidoti. (小日向志:又此夫婦、同宿受庵より教誡をも受けしものなれば、転びけれども永く山屋敷に禁固せられたり) So it was more probable that they returned to Christian Faith by confessing their crimes of apostasy before Siodoti than that they were baptized by him.

Original Japanese Texts of Arai Hakuseki’s manuscript of Record of Things Heard From the West (西洋紀聞) in his own handwriting 


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2019-03-21 | 日誌 Diary
この講義では、はじめに明治維新の頃の日本哲学の背景にある儒教、大乗仏教、および神道の諸思想の伝統を参照します。そして、この日本の伝統的な諸思想によって教育された世代の哲学者達が、明治の「文明開化」の時代に解禁されたキリスト教に対して、どのように応答したか、どのようにして自己の属する伝統を刷新して、普遍的な「世界思想」を志向したか、その統合に向かう哲学的思索の努力を回顧します。 さらに、同時代の内村鑑三に始まる「無教会」のキリスト信仰、岩下荘一に始まる「カトリックの信仰」にも触れつつ、明治維新から昭和の敗戦にいたるまでの日本のキリスト者の困難に満ちた足跡をたどります。最後に、敗戦直前の西田幾多郎の宗教哲学と、敗戦後の田辺元の宗教哲学を取り上げます。とくに田辺元の「懺悔道」と「無即愛」の「菩薩道」を、キリスト教の立場から考察します。
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