(photo by ガラクタ箱さん)

(photo by ガラクタ箱さん)
physical time makes its appearance in the coordinate analysis of the satisfaction. The actual entity is the enjoyment of a certain quantum of physical time. But the genetic process is not the temporal succession: such a view is exactly what is denied by the epochal theory of time. Each phase in the genetic process presupposes the entire quantum, and so does each feeling in each phase. The subjective unity dominating the process forbids the division of that extensive quantum which originates with the primary phase of the subjective aim. The problem dominating the concrescence is the actualization of the quantum in solido.The above passages seem to have annoyed many commentators ofProcess and Reality. The genetic analysis of an actual occasion (Part III) divides the concrescence into primary, intermediate, and final phases, which, according to Whitehead, are not "in" the physical (i.e. coordinate) time. One phase of genetic divisions must be prior to another: but what sort of priority is this? William Christian discusses and rejects four possible ways of interpretation, i.e. (i) priority in physical time,(ii) the logical priority of a premise to a conclusion, (iii) a whole-part relation, and (iv) a dialectical process of the Hegelian development of an idea. Then he says, though genetic priority may have some analogies with other sorts of priority, we must accept it as something of its own kind, but he does not analyse further the sui generis character of genetic divisions." Charles Hartshorne also questions the validity of "genetic" analysis, and proposes to accept only the succession of phases in the physical time.
原文(ギリシャ語) Pisteuw eiV to PNEUMA TO AGION, agian kaqolikhn ekklhsian, agiwn koinwnian, afesin amartiwn,sarkoV anastasin. zwhn aiwnion, Amhn.まず、注意すべき事は、この信仰宣言の人称性である。それは、「私は信じる」と述べるものなのであって、決して「我々は信じる」ではない。常に「一人称単数」で宣言するところに、信仰告白(Credo=I believe)の特徴がある。それは、集団の信仰共同体の中に個性を埋没させることではなく、あくまでも「一個人に徹する」ことを通じて、「普遍の教会」を信じることを宣言するのである。
ラテン語典礼訳 Credo in Spiritum Sanctum; sanctam ecclesiam catholicam; sanctorum communionem; remissionem peccatorum; carnis resurrectionem; vitam æternam. Amen.
英訳 I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.
「第三の人格的存在としての聖霊が、父と子について語っているのに注意せよ。『主は吾が主に言われた、私があなたの敵をあなたの足下に置くまでは、私の右に座していなさい』と。同じように、イザヤを通して『主はこれらの言葉を主キリストに言う』・・・これらの少数のテキストに於いて、三位一体の内的区別が我々の眼前に明らかとなっている。語るものが自ずから存在している、すなわち聖霊である。さらに、聖霊がそれに向かって語る父、そして最後に、聖霊がそれについて語る子が自ずから存在している」(Ratzinger, Retrieving Traditon:concerning the notion of person in theology,communio 17, 1990 参照)人格的存在(ペルソナ)の概念は、聖書を読みそれを釈義することの中から生まれた。それは、対話の観念、より詳しく言えば、対話的に語る神現象の「人格的釈義」に起源を有つ。神自身が物語る聖書、人との対話のなかに現存する神が人格(persona)の概念を成立させたのである。聖書文献学のいまだ発達していない時代に書かれた教父達の釈義には今日から見れば時代遅れの部分もあるが、彼等の解釈の基本路線は、全体としてみれば正鵠を得たものであり、聖書の霊的な伝統をよく捉えたものである。我々が聖書によって導き入れられる根本現象は、物語る主体としての三位一体の人格神であり、語りかけられる個人(=person)である。そして、神的人格(divine person)によって世界における慈愛(アガペー)へと召命された人間相互の共同性ーエクレシア-の形成である。
"It was my good fortune to be present at the meeting of the Royal Society in London when the Astronomer Royal for England announced that the photographic plates of the famous eclipse, as measured by his colleagues in Greenwich Observatory, has verified the prediction of Einstein . . . The whole atmosphere of tense interest was exactly that of the Greek drama: we are the chorus commenting on the decree of destiny as disclosed in the development of a supreme incident. There was dramatic quality in the very staging: the traditional ceremonial, and in the background the picture of Newton to remind us that the greatest of scientific generalizations was, now, after more than two centuries, to receive its first modification."(1)The crucial point of the above drama was that the new theory, in spite of the risk of refutation, dared to predict that something should happen at the time of the eclipse, which was afterwards confirmed by experimental physicists. Moreover, the admission of the new theory involved abandonment of common notions which physicists had hitherto uncritically accepted. The very validity of Euclidian geometry, as applied to physical space, was now suspect in the light of relativistic theory. In other words, Einstein claimed that non-Euclidian geometry should hold in the presence of a strong gravitational field. The meaning of spatio-temporal magnitudes must be changed in such a way that the length of a rigid body and the lapse of time measured by clocks cannot remain unaltered after the transformation of coordinate systems.