I think that the cheapest and most delicious food is Beef pies.
4 pieces cost 3.5$!!
My lunch are a Beef pie , two mandarins, and a nut bar. These keep me full when i eat these.
Total my lunch may cost 1.1$.
I met green frog at last night.🐸🐸🐸
He may come to the home once a year.
My host father gave me bananas that is made in house. Great!!! : )
It has sweets that is Likely apples.
When I give my friends it, they said it's very sweets!
I went to study to Ciarns library.
It is cleaned. But, book nanber is lesser than Japanese.
lf i burrow books, i need some date.
But, i can't prepare it. So, i gived up.