In the Buddhist scriptures of Akan, Nirvana was expressed.
You can even discover Nirvana's wisdom.
You can discover the root of Buddhism.
Let's look at the Buddha's teachings that change the structure of human beings with the scriptures of Argama and Abidharma.
Thirty-seven training methods leading to Satori
The Buddha's 変 え る, which alters the structure of human beings by means of the scriptures of Agama and Apidharma
Let's look at the teaching method.
あ る There is one sentence that should come to mind immediately.
“Here, Hioka and others, we have come to understand the law and preach to you. In other words, it's Shikinzumi, Yoshoku, Yoshoku, Gone, Gokoku, Nankaku, and Yasumasa. Therefore, all the hills will reconcile, conquer and fight.
You have to learn this without it. Yunyo ”
In other words, the practice and practice of the Buddha's law are clearly described here.
You. Moreover, it is clearly stated that all the hills must reconcile with each other and learn without conflict. Isn't there any more clear guidance?
Let's look at the practice that Buddha preached in Argama and Abidharma based on this one.
First, what are Shimenju, Shisho, Shikashi, Gone, Gokiki, Shichikaku, and Yashomichi?
七 The practice of these seven subjects taught by Argama is by Apidharma. 37 items of Nishika
Is called the 17th Bodhi method, and is described in detail as a typical training method.
It means 37 training methods (Abi Daruma Club 1 2, Vol. 25-12).
Let's explain next.
Shikinzumi rcattari sapatatthani
In the old translation, it is called the Four Nenjo. It is also called the four thoughts. There are four types of introspection and meditation methods for obtaining satori. Body
There are four types of living: memorial, accepting, mental, and honest.
Seal This body is unclean and suffering.
Your mind is insane. The law is selfless.
Thinking and meditating. That is, this body is unclean. Feeling (all) is painful. The mind is impermanent. I meditate on the idea that everything is selfless. At first, these four terms are considered separately, and then these four are united, and the body, feeling, mind, and all things (law) are unclean, bitter, and impermanent. The idea is to be selfless.
I will mention this four-part house later. I believe that this is a legalization of the Four Sacred Revenues. At least there will be some skillful involvement.)
4 straight cuts 6 cattiri sammamappadhanan D
In the old translation, it is called four full-time jobs. Four disciplines: cutting, discipline, advocacy, and cutting.
Machizuke = Practice to avoid the evil that is occurring in the curse. Repeat to refuse many times.
Rehabilitation—A practice that strives to prevent future evils from occurring.
Defiance = discipline that strives to increase this already existing good.
Ritual discipline = discipline that strives to obtain this for good that does not yet exist.
Four gods feet rcattaro idhipado
訳 す Translated as four-handed. The basis for obtaining four freedoms. Four types of training to gain supernatural mystical power.
Greed god's feet = training to hope for good meditation.
Kinkaku = Training to strive for excellent meditation.
Shinshin feet = Training to try to calm down and get excellent meditation.
Obtain good meditation by thinking and observing with the wisdom of the Kanjin shodan bureau.
God is Shinto. God is a terrible thing. A foot is a cause. That is, it means constant (meditation). It is called a god foot because it is the cause of Shintoism.
Gone Oancindryiinij
五 Five of Shine, Shojin, Nene, Sadae, and Keine. The root is the ability to work freely. It was one of the three treasures of Buddhist monks.
This is a training in which Ishin Nobu and Jingu, Nen, Zen (meditation) II, and Wisdom demonstrate high abilities toward Nirvana.
Five powers Oafica balaniD
(4) Religion, dedication, intellect, fixed ability, and wisdom (or wisdom). Training to gain five advanced powers to Nirvana
line. It is the same virtue as Gone, but it is a powerful function, but Gokoku is more like that.
It is possible to show even greater power and both can be seen to be of varying degrees.
Seven senses Csatta bojjha4aD
It refers to the seven branches of electoral sensation, sensational sensation, joyful spelling, light security sensation, discretionary sensation, stipulation, and philosophy. Seven practices of Nirvana Hemichi.
Selective law support = The practice of wisdom that chooses the truthful ones from the teaching method and discards the occasional ones. "
(4) Training to work hard and do not retreat.
= Training to live in the joy of learning and executing the teachings of the truth.
Kan'an theory = A practice where the body and mind are light and cheerful, and they are not confused or congested.
Recognition of refusal = repair that keeps the mind of hate love and does not disturb the mind or disturb the calmness of the mind.
行. It is a training that discards the bond with the target.
。 = Training that does not disturb the concentrated mind during meditation and normal behavior.
Training to flatten out your mind.
When you talk about the Yasumasado, you have to explain the new items. Because, this Yashodo is a Buddha
The so-called soda was preached only after Da fulfilled Nirvana. It is a teaching method that belongs to the “First Turn Falun”.
It is considered to be the root of the Buddha's satori. And then again, in the commentary on Yasumasado. We need to start with "Shinseigi."
アーガマの諸経典、およびアビダルマによって、人間存在の構造を変える仏陀の教法を見ていこう ではないか。
『ここに比丘らよ、われによりて法は悟られ、汝らに説かれたり。すなわち四念住・四正断・四 神足・五根・五力・七覚支・八正道これなり。それゆえにすべての比丘らは相和し相欣び、争う
る。しかも、それを、すべての比丘は相和し相欣び、争うことなくして学ばなければいけないとはっ きり言明されているのだ。これ以上明確な指針はないではないか。
三十七の修行法という意味である(『阿毘達磨倶1 論』巻二五-一二)。
四念住rcattari satipatthanani
わたくしは、この四念住はあとで述べる。四聖諦”を行法化したものであろうと思っている。すくなくとも 巧ふかいかかわりはあるであろう)
四正断6cattiri sammappadhananD
四神足rcattaro iddhipado
いする信と、精進・念・禅定(瞑想) ・智慧が、ニルヴァーナにむかって高い能力を発揮する修行。
五力Oafica balaniD
七覚支Csatta bojjha4aD
喜 覚支=真実の教えを学び、実行する喜びに住する修行。
捨 覚支=取捨憎愛の念をはなれて、なにごとにも心がかたよったり、心の平静が乱されない修
定 覚支=瞑想中も平常の行動中も集中した心を乱さない修行。
念 覚支Hおもいを平らかにする修行。