オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 紫陽花 hydrangea

2014年06月09日 | 日記

Those new variety hydrangeas
I met at the underground of Yaesu ( Tokyo station )

忙しぎみの足で歩いていると、大きな鉢に新品種と思われる紫陽花二つ。東京駅の八重洲地下のこんな人口物満載のトコロで生きている植物に出会う。あまりにキレイなのでもしや造花? っと思って近寄ってみると、違いますよ、と言われマシタ。周りにヒトはいっぱいいるけれど、どれくらいの人数のヒトがこの紫陽花タチに気付いていくんかなーとほんのチョットの間ポケッとしていると、いいんですよ、と、また。こーいう場面に出くわす度に「置かれたところで咲きなさい」と、あの名言をついと思い出しマス。
I was busily walking on the street underground of Tokyo station. I found two types of hydrangea which seemed new variety. There were all artificial things, no other natures were. The flowers were so lovely, I thought they were also artificial but they told me, no. How many people noticed them? They answered me, we didn't care. Whenever I find like this situation, I remember some Japanese sister's saying, "Bloom where you are placed". Yes, it is.
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