オサンポ take a walk - 草花 plant & flower 蜘蛛の巣 spider's web

2014年06月13日 | 日記

There are pure water bubbles
On a spider's web
Who did it?

いやはや、話題は急にワールドカップですが、今朝方の開幕戦 ブラジルvsクロアチア、クロアチア、前半は良かったですなー。しかしブラジルの底力の方が上回ってますかねー。3-1。そして日本人審判団!Good job!
Someone put pure water bubbles on the spider's web. Who did it? Spider also need to eat something to live. It's not enough to eat bubbles. I use our imaginations to nature for small talk.
Well, did you watch the match Brazil vs Croatia ? It was 3-1, Brazil won, as you think so, but Croatia, in the first half, they did well, they scored one goal. The Japanese judge crew controlled the match, I think they did good job!
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