オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年10月14日 | 日記

It's today's sky
It's fine, can be seen only today
Then Good-bye

台風一過の朝。青い空。朝から鳴くツクツクボウシ。季節外れ、だと思うけど。昨夜の強風を乗り越える逞しさ。ゆえ、秋も生き抜く。根性? 大事大事とっても大事。嵐をやり過ごす。そして晴れた青空の下で鳴く。大変は大変。でもずっとじゃない。明けない夜はない。禍福は糾える縄の如し。
It's morning, the typhoon has gone away. There is the blue sky. Some cicada is singing... Isn't it out of season? It might be tough, it survived from the typhoon last night. So that it can live long, even now season is autumn. Having guts? I think it's very important. Surviving from any problems, this time, it was storm. Hard is hard. But it won't be long. "Every night comes to an end." "Good luck and bad luck alternate like the strands of a rope."
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