猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outside cat

2014年10月29日 | 日記

She's got her own house
She is sleeping in there

先々週くらい?の仕事帰り、とある場所でまだチョット大人前的な若い(と思われる)猫を見かけ、最近はほとんどこの辺では無かったことなので珍しいな、と思ってました。通りすがりにチョット近寄って様子を伺うと、目がショボ~となってて眠いダケなのかどーなのか、うむ? と思わないでも無かったのですが、いやいやきっと夜のオサンポに出ているだけ、と考えるようにして、「じゃあねお元気で」と声を掛けてその場を立ち去りました。その後の数日間、その場所を通る度にいるかな? とキョロキョロしたりしてたのですが、その日以外は見掛けず。そしてある日、近所の商店街の中でどなたかに作ってもらったらしきおウチを得て、安眠してました。そうか…。拠り所が出来て良かったとは思いましたが、そーなるまでにどんな事情があったのか。まあ、ここなら安心だからと過去は振り返らないコトにしました。
Around a few weeks ago, I saw a young cat ( it would be ) in some place. I haven't seen any cats for years, so that I thought what happened. I got close to that cat, her eyes ( might be ) didn't open properly, looked sleepy. Uh? I thought something ... But I talked myself she was just taking a walk at night. I said to her, "Take care, hopefully see you again", then went home. After a few days, whenever I passed around there, I looked for her but I couldn't see her. One day, I found her sleeping in her own house in the evening. Someone made it to her, very nice. I thought I know someone who likes cats, feeds and take care of them. So I was released from my conscious. So it's now ok with her but before...what happened to her. Anyway, no one could know, "now" is important. She is fine now. That's good.
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