猫三昧 Cat-loving - 玉吉 Tamakichi & 元気 Genki

2014年10月22日 | 日記

It's raining today
All day long
So that we will be sleeping

The photo was taken in the other day. They will be sleeping all day long because it's raining today. So I used it for today's blog. I envy them, especially when it's raining or it's chilly in the morning. I think they also think about something, but anyway, they are allowed to stay at home because that is the job to them. Their job is service, the duties are "demanding food, play and cleaning their toilets". They make the people work for them with pleasure. There are some options, make them stroke, get on a lap, sleep with the people, when the people call them, they reply, and so on. No one persuades them to do anything, they just do what they want to do. Their masters are themselves. Why am I thinking like that... Because I would not like to go to work which I don't like... I think about it strongly, especially like this rainy morning...
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