五六島Skywalk - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月13日 | 日記

Oryukdo Skywalk
It was a fine day
We've got a nice view

スカイウォークと呼ばれる、橋? 通路?(U字型の一歩通行 になっています)は思ったより短くて、床下が透けてて下の岩場に当たる波しぶきが見えるて高さはまあありますが、怖さ的には東京タワーの方が怖いかも? です。
It was a little bit windy but a really nice day, no clouds, clear sky. It's a paracetamol day to visit this kind of place, I haven't seen so such a beautiful view nor the sea...... natures are always big and stay there.
The skywalk, it's like a bridge? walkway? (One way, horseshoe shape) is not long, the floor is clear, we can see the sea and waves hitting the rocks, not so scary (I thought), a clear floor of Tokyo tower is more scary(?).

スカイウォークの入り口が少し混んでたので、あれ? 有料? と少しドキドキしましたが、その橋の上を歩くときに靴カバーを履かないといけないらしくそのためのベンチがあったりするのでちょっと混んでいるようでした。

Around the entrance of it, there were a bit crowded, it's not free? It's free. But we have to wear shoes cover, for that, there are bench, that's why.


There are the information centre, a small museum, cafe and bathroom. No souvenir shops? You could buy some Korean foods.
She(he?) was at around the entrance of the cafe.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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