
They might be spring startflower, I think. They are short and small but have got two flowers. I felt their guts to open the flowers. I am impressed with that but the same time feel scared because of their fecundity. As they are from overseas and garden species. Close to the two flowers, there is another one. They might be spring startflower, too. They’ve got one bud, look lovely, much smaller than the first one. Happy to see them but...

The wind in spring
They are not blew
By the wind, spring startflower
茎がとっても短いですが、ハナニラっぽいと思いました。どんなんでも花を咲かす! っという根性を感じて見事とは思うものの、その繁殖力にちょっと恐怖も感じたり…。外来の園芸種の場合、複雑なキモチになります。

They might be spring startflower, I think. They are short and small but have got two flowers. I felt their guts to open the flowers. I am impressed with that but the same time feel scared because of their fecundity. As they are from overseas and garden species. Close to the two flowers, there is another one. They might be spring startflower, too. They’ve got one bud, look lovely, much smaller than the first one. Happy to see them but...
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.