スズメ見なくはないね?66 we have seen some sparrows

2020年04月29日 | 日記

There are warm & soft wind blowing 
A group of sparrow 
Are there

近所を散歩中に、スズメたちのチュンチュン声が聴ければ、それで満足なのです。(安上がりですな…) 今年もウグイスの「ホーホケキョ」が、いくつか聴けました。上手い下手があったような。ツバメたちも、長い距離の渡りを越えて戻ってきたようです。無事に雛たちが巣立つよう…。

When I walk around in my neighborhood, if I meet sparrows, I feel happy with that. (I’m easy to be happy...) I heard the songs of some Japanese bush warblers, some of them were good singers, the others were not. I met around 10 swallows in the neighborhood, they came back after such a long journey(flight). I hope that all their babies will grow up!

 *I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.

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