オサンポ walk - 枯葉とツクツク many falling leaves and one of cicadas

2017年09月21日 | 日記

Some cicadas had been still singing
It seems that they are seeing off
This summer

毎年繰り返し思うことがあります。暑い夏は苦手なので最中は早く終わってくれ!と願うばかりなのですが、本当にこれで終わる、という頃に蝉たちの声を聴くと、そっかそうなると、君たちとは来年まで会えないんだね…などと考えてしまい、ホッとするのと別れの寂しさがない混ざって、何とも言えない複雑な気持ちになったりします。「やったー! 夏終わり!」っと蝉の声なんかあったって耳に入らずあー秋だ秋だと単純に喜べるような性格だったら、もっとラクに生きられるんだろうな…な……とかまで考えてしまう、そんな今、季節の狭間です…。ね。

I found many falling leaves on the ground. But on the trees, there are some cicadas that are still singing.
I've got the same thought that comes up in my mind every year at around this time...between the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. I don't like summer. During summer, I only pray for finishing summer. However, when I feel, summer will be ended sooner, some idea comes into my mind, I(we) have to say "see you next year" to cicadas. I like listening to cicadas' songs, just I don't like crazy humid&shot summer. So I miss cicadas'. I've got the mixed feelings, happy for ending summer and sad for good bye to cicadas.
If I were a person who doesn't care about cicadas' songs then just being happy for ending summer, I could live my life easier...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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