
On 23 C(degrees)
The Christmas lights
Have just began
12月なのに暑い? なんで??という日から、始まった、ご近所のクリスマス電飾。サンタさんの位置が毎年違っていて、ちょっと戸惑っているのかしら、と思ってみたり。
It's hot? Even it's December?? This Christmas lights have just began in the neighborhood. The position of the Santa Clause is different every year. He used to be on the tree. Thinking about the position is difficult for him?
Anyway, it was a hot day, I didn't think that it was a good day to see that. The hot air wouldn't seem to suit those Christmas lights.
When we are in the cold air, so that we could feel warm from the lights. What do you think?

On 23 C(degrees)
The Christmas lights
Have just began
12月なのに暑い? なんで??という日から、始まった、ご近所のクリスマス電飾。サンタさんの位置が毎年違っていて、ちょっと戸惑っているのかしら、と思ってみたり。
It's hot? Even it's December?? This Christmas lights have just began in the neighborhood. The position of the Santa Clause is different every year. He used to be on the tree. Thinking about the position is difficult for him?
Anyway, it was a hot day, I didn't think that it was a good day to see that. The hot air wouldn't seem to suit those Christmas lights.
When we are in the cold air, so that we could feel warm from the lights. What do you think?