居酒屋 渚 Izakaya Nagisa - 韓国/釜山へ travelling to Pusan

2017年02月24日 | 日記

The place is a holy site
For Japanese who
Love Korean Idols


お通し(?恐らく…) もマシッソッタ맛있었다 。手前左手にある黄緑色のモノは多分キュウリのマスタード和え?的なモノでした。

It has the same system with Japanese Izakaya, we have some little dishes when we sit down the chairs at Izakaya. We call it "Otohshi", I think it was so, yummy. In the front, at the left hand side, it was something like mustard with cucumbers.

I went to Izakaya, NAGISA, in Pusan. One of my friends who loves Korea idols, the Izakaya is owned by a brother of Sungmo. It's near the sea side where we can see the beautiful bridge that looks like our rainbow bridge a bit.
His name is Sungmo, it sounds similar to SUUMO. (It's a character for the site of letting room, house or something) I took my wrong pronunciations a few times.
We ordered an Oden soup, it's yummy, I thought that the soup had Japan and Korean Dashi mixed together, that's why.
The real Sungmo comes to the Izakaya sometimes, there are some notebooks that everyone can write down their thoughts on the notes, so that they could have a kind of communication with the notes. They really love each other, that's nice!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars' are correct.
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