自然現象 natural phenomenon - スーパームーン Supermoon

2014年09月10日 | 日記

The round moon
Bright and big
It's a supermoon

昨日はスーパーなムーンが見られる日、ということで、見ることが出来ました。(スーパームーンとは? 詳しくお知りになりたい方はコチラへ→http://m.kotobank.jp/word/スーパームーン)
アイホンで写真に撮ると、これが? 何が? つぅー感じですが、実際を観ると、お! 満月(満月じゃあ無かったんですが)が何か、でかくね? やたら明るくね? 何か黄色くね? って驚く感じで、近くにある電灯に明るさで負けてない。ふーむ。明るいとパワーもアリそー。やっぱ凹んでナイで(夏バテバテ)、明るくいくしかナイんじゃね?
We could see a supermoon last night, did you see it? I saw it! The photo was taken by my iPhone, it doesn't seem "super". But if you saw the real one, you would know what a supermoon was. It's bigger, brighter and deeper! I was surprised. It's brighter than the street lamp near me. I thought that the moon would have had some "force". I've been still suffering from late-summer heat, but I thought I've got some force from the supermoon. I believe I will be getting better.

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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 元気 Genki

2014年09月09日 | 日記

He is a cat, Genki
He knows a sign of presence of Autumn
Then, taking a nap

す・ず・し・く、なりましたね! ウホウホですが、ブログのネタは枯渇してます。明るいうちにオサンポに行けてないのがかなり影響しています。ホボ日の中では特筆するよーなこともそんなに起きませんよね?? あ、まあでも、写真が無くても文章だけでもいいのでは? というのもアルかと思います。写真には撮れないけれども、見たこと感じたこと思ったこと。でも何でしょう、写真好きということもアリ、photo & essay という形態も好き、というのもアリ、写真付きにこだわっています。それと、文章が上手く書けるようになりたいと思っているのと、芸術は細部に宿る、ではないですが、小さなこと、ささやかなことを見つけて楽しめることは良いことなのではないか、そして小さな積み重ねが大きなことに繋がっていくこともあるのではにゃいかと思って、日々ブログを続けています。お読み下さっている方には実は感謝しております!
It's cool, today! Isn't it? I'm happy with it. Well, the topics for my blog, it is few at the moment. I haven't taken walks in daytime so I could not have chances to take photos. No special events happens in our daily life, do they? Well, if I haven't got any photos for my blog, I could just write about something, what I see, feel and think. But I love photo, and also photo & essay. So I prefer to have photos for my blog. And then, I would like to improve my writing ability. You may know, "God is in the details", I believe that it is good if I could enjoy watching, finding tiny, small things. If I'm working with that everyday, someday, something would happen. That's why, I have been writing my blog. Actually, I really thank you all for reading, visiting on my blog!!
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映画三昧 Film-loving - 「バルフィ! 人生に唄えば」BARFI!

2014年09月08日 | 日記

It's a film from India
There is a subtle
love triangle

I went to see the Asian Indian film of "BARFI!" last week. It's not follows a typical Bollywood style ( suddenly starting dancing & singing with many people ) , I would like to see another style ones. About the story, in the beginning, the story goes to the past then back to the present, it repeats many times so that I was confused a bit, but after that, when I got the story's direction, it was OK. The story has a love triangle, but it's not awful, so I think you would not need to be nervous about their relationships. In the half of story, the story is placed in Darjeeling. Darjeeling Himalayan Railway appears many times in the film, I think that it is also like one of actors.
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「ダ」な日々 Being as a Dansharian Photos

2014年09月07日 | 日記

means who throws away
The stuff which are unnecessary

Around 10 years ago, digital camera wasn't so popular yet like nowadays, I got into photo in black and white. I took photos, developed by myself. I developed many same photos changing time and strength. We don't need to perform the same tusk with digital cameras. I missed the work. I need arrangement of those photos. Because they are too many.
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猫三昧 Cat-loving - 外猫 outdoor cat black kitten

2014年09月06日 | 日記

It's late summer heat
I was taking a walk in the evening
I saw a black kitten

It's still very hot today, isn't it? Hoihoi. I can't go outside during day, after sunset, I can take a walk. Hoihoi. In the evening, it's dark outside, it's difficult to get some topics for my blog. Hoihoi. But it was lucky enough today, I saw a black kitten. It was dark night and the cat was black. Hoihoi. When I took her(his?) photos, I used flash. Hoihoi. I checked the photos after that, the flash were too bright so that cat seemed to dazzled. Sorry about that. But the cat would have got used to people, she didn't run away. Hoihoi. I hope I can see you again before sunset. Hoihoi.
( I'm sorry, you see "Hoihoi" randomly in the essay, I don't know why. It might be, because I'm suffering from the summer heat. )
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年09月05日 | 日記

The cicada (Meimuna opalifera) are singing
It is heat of late summer

I felt humid a little in the morning, yes, it was, many cicadas ( especially Meimuna opalifera, and one Hyalessa maculaticollis ) were singing on the tree. Yesterday, there was a autumn flavour, but today, there was a summer flavour more than it. If one season flavour is getting stronger than the other, the other's is getting weak. When we don't feel those ones, they come up in my mind as a memory. Sometimes, they turn into abiding memories. If the memory is just memory, it would not give us any impacts in our emotions but if it is an abiding memory, it must sways ours. 2014's summer, can it be abiding ones? ( as for me, it's just a memory )
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年09月04日 | 日記

Many insects are now chirping
It seems that autumn has come
Only one cicada is still chirping

Before opened the door, I noticed that I hadn't heard any cicadas' songs, from opened the window. When I got out of my house, I heard many insects' songs in autumn, and some birds'. In these days, yes, it's gradually cooling down everyday. From somewhere, one cicada started singing. Oh, it's there. I would like autumn comes immediately, but I miss cicadas. The two opposite things live together in my mind. I'm now unwell, because of that? I do hope we clearly know "Autumn" comes!
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お菓子 sweets - コロンビアのお菓子 Colombian sweets

2014年09月03日 | 日記

The sweet from Colombia
which I ate the first time

ご近所の方からいただきました~。初めて食べるお菓子、メイド・イン・コロンビアです。わーい。カルディとか外国のお菓子を売っているお店で見たことがないので、超ローカル・フードなんでしょーか? こーいう、マーケットが小さくて地元のスーパーでしか売ってないよ、っというよーな地元臭の濃いお菓子・グッズなどがダイスキです。ムッチョ・グラッシャス!(Thank you very much) 最初見た目が赤かったので、何でしょ? と恐る恐るパッケージを読解しよ~とクルクル見回して、あ、そーかスペイン語ね、となって想像力を働かせて、原材料の説明のところに英語表記があったのでふむふむと読んでみると、グアバ・ホールミルク・砂糖・コーンスターチ、とあるので、甘いお菓子系だよね、とよく見るとかわいいパッケージだな、ビニールでちゃんと包装してあって、一個一個個包装で8個入り、確かにお土産に便利かも、と確認後、開封。おー。甘いだろうことは想像できますが、グアバとの関係は? 一口齧って思ったのは、あまり甘くない。よく味わうと、見た目通りに両端にある赤い部分がグアバで、ほんのり酸味が効いていて、クリーム色した部分が、優しいミルク味でした。食感は柔らかいキャラメルといった感じ。日本のお菓子で似たような味はあまりないかも。甘すぎないので食べやすいです。ムイ・ビエン!(very good )
I've got the sweet from a neighborhood of mine, she is Colombian. When she returned from her hometown visit, she gave us that sweet. I love that kind of local foods and goods. It's the first time, saw and ate it, the ingredients are Guava, whole milk, and do on, so I guessed it must have been sweet. It's like caramel, a bit sour - because of Guava, it's the part of red, and the white part is sweet milky. It's not too sweet, it's easy to eat. Yummy!! Mucho gracious!
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オサンポ take a walk - 虫 insect 蝉 cicada

2014年09月02日 | 日記

The summer has gone
Singing cicadas' backs
Have also gone

今朝方も涼しくて助かってますが、気温が下がってきた中で聴く蝉の声は、何故か蝉の勢いも下がっているよーな気がして、落ち着かない気分になってしまいます。これは毎年思うことで、どなたかも書いてましたが、その季節が終わることに寂しさを感じるのは夏だけじゃないか…。何なのでしょーね。夏なんか暑いばかりで日差しもキツイし冷房もダメダシでさっさと終わってくれれば超ハッピーてなもんなのに。けれどそんなことはそっちのけにして生き物タチに目を向ければ、ああ…という感慨が浮かんでくる。あんなに黄色く咲いていた向日葵の、あんなに競いように鳴いていたたくさんの蝉の、その"元気"に衰えを見つけてしまうと、侘しさを感じる…。何故終わることに対する嬉しさよりも、寂しさの方が強調されるのでしょう? こんな風に毎年思うことに、慣れる日が来るんでしょーか。
In these days, the temperatures have got down. So it helps me a lot. But the symbols of summer, such as sunflower and cicada, they seem now not so lively. I'm happy with the ending of summer, but I wouldn't like to say "Good bye" to then. Why? I don't know why. That kind of my feeling always come up into my mind every year when summer ends.when do I get used it?
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日乗 diary - 未知との遭遇 (ぐでたま) Close Encounters of the Third Kind (Gudetama)

2014年09月01日 | 日記

I didn't know you
Until that day

まさしく未知との遭遇。「曲がり角を曲がった先にはきっと一番良いことが待っている」(「赤毛のアン」より)じゃなかったんでしたっけ? その日待っていたらモノ(?)は、黄色い四角に顔が描いてあって短い手足が生えているもの。「なにコレ?なにコレ?」 新種のゆるキャラ? どこの県? よくよく見てみると、卵のカラッポイものがそばに置いてあり、本人が黄色のと、白くて丸っポイ敷物の上に載っているところを合わせて推察すると、卵? の何か? とすると、赤とピンクの筋が入っている毛布は、ベーコン?? え? 何? 何? と戸惑っていると告知ポスターが貼ってあり、読むと「ぐでたま」。写真撮影会。ぐでたま? すぐさまネットで調べると、サンリオの新キャラで、TBSの「朝チャン」という番組に出演(?)しており、人気モノなんだとか。へぇ~。
I encountered "Gudetama" at the bookshop in Tokyo, it's one of Sanrio's characters, you might know, it's Kitty's friends. He(?) is egg, the lazy egg. I didn't know him(?) until the day. I was surprised when I saw him, what happened to me. His animations have been shown in a TV programme "Asa-chan" on TBS in the morning. He is so popular. But I didn't know him.
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