I see cats
Cats are running away from me
They give me their cautions, "Hisss"
オサンポ中に猫に出くわすと、いつでも嬉しいんですが、向こうがそう思っているとは限りませんね。今回のこの二匹の猫ちゃんも…白猫ちゃんの方も"め"が合った瞬間にピタリと歩みを止めてしまったので、これ以上は無理か? と思い、去られる前に写真をと思い、撮らせてもらいました。何とかゲット。グット。白猫ちゃんに気付くと同時に左手にあるどこぞのオウチ様の物置の上にも、昼寝中の猫ちゃんに気付き、お!今日は大漁だ、と喜んでいると、シャー!シャー!とバリバリ威嚇されました。いやはやすんません、そりゃ昼寝の邪魔しちゃ怒りますよね。えへえへ、写真だけ撮らせて下さいね、なんてやっているほんの数十秒の間に、案の定白猫ちゃんの姿は消えていました。いつもいつも「一期一会」のキモチでオサンポしてます。
Whenever I see cats during taking a walk, I am so happy. But cats are also happy? I never know. I saw those two cats on that day; I found the white cat(she?) first, when she caught my eyes, she stopped walking, then stared me. Oh, I took her photos quickly before she left. Thanks, I got them, good. At the same time, I found the other cat(he?) on the shed on the left hand side. After taking the photos, I turned to him then took photos, he seemed unhappy with it. He gave his "Hisss" a few times while I was taking his photos. Oh, sorry I interrupted your nap. After that, I turned to the white cat, but she had gone already. Oh, yes. I always think about "once-in-a-lifetime encounter".
I see cats
Cats are running away from me
They give me their cautions, "Hisss"
オサンポ中に猫に出くわすと、いつでも嬉しいんですが、向こうがそう思っているとは限りませんね。今回のこの二匹の猫ちゃんも…白猫ちゃんの方も"め"が合った瞬間にピタリと歩みを止めてしまったので、これ以上は無理か? と思い、去られる前に写真をと思い、撮らせてもらいました。何とかゲット。グット。白猫ちゃんに気付くと同時に左手にあるどこぞのオウチ様の物置の上にも、昼寝中の猫ちゃんに気付き、お!今日は大漁だ、と喜んでいると、シャー!シャー!とバリバリ威嚇されました。いやはやすんません、そりゃ昼寝の邪魔しちゃ怒りますよね。えへえへ、写真だけ撮らせて下さいね、なんてやっているほんの数十秒の間に、案の定白猫ちゃんの姿は消えていました。いつもいつも「一期一会」のキモチでオサンポしてます。
Whenever I see cats during taking a walk, I am so happy. But cats are also happy? I never know. I saw those two cats on that day; I found the white cat(she?) first, when she caught my eyes, she stopped walking, then stared me. Oh, I took her photos quickly before she left. Thanks, I got them, good. At the same time, I found the other cat(he?) on the shed on the left hand side. After taking the photos, I turned to him then took photos, he seemed unhappy with it. He gave his "Hisss" a few times while I was taking his photos. Oh, sorry I interrupted your nap. After that, I turned to the white cat, but she had gone already. Oh, yes. I always think about "once-in-a-lifetime encounter".