The round moon
Bright and big
It's a supermoon
昨日はスーパーなムーンが見られる日、ということで、見ることが出来ました。(スーパームーンとは? 詳しくお知りになりたい方はコチラへ→http://m.kotobank.jp/word/スーパームーン)
アイホンで写真に撮ると、これが? 何が? つぅー感じですが、実際を観ると、お! 満月(満月じゃあ無かったんですが)が何か、でかくね? やたら明るくね? 何か黄色くね? って驚く感じで、近くにある電灯に明るさで負けてない。ふーむ。明るいとパワーもアリそー。やっぱ凹んでナイで(夏バテバテ)、明るくいくしかナイんじゃね?
We could see a supermoon last night, did you see it? I saw it! The photo was taken by my iPhone, it doesn't seem "super". But if you saw the real one, you would know what a supermoon was. It's bigger, brighter and deeper! I was surprised. It's brighter than the street lamp near me. I thought that the moon would have had some "force". I've been still suffering from late-summer heat, but I thought I've got some force from the supermoon. I believe I will be getting better.
The round moon
Bright and big
It's a supermoon
昨日はスーパーなムーンが見られる日、ということで、見ることが出来ました。(スーパームーンとは? 詳しくお知りになりたい方はコチラへ→http://m.kotobank.jp/word/スーパームーン)
アイホンで写真に撮ると、これが? 何が? つぅー感じですが、実際を観ると、お! 満月(満月じゃあ無かったんですが)が何か、でかくね? やたら明るくね? 何か黄色くね? って驚く感じで、近くにある電灯に明るさで負けてない。ふーむ。明るいとパワーもアリそー。やっぱ凹んでナイで(夏バテバテ)、明るくいくしかナイんじゃね?
We could see a supermoon last night, did you see it? I saw it! The photo was taken by my iPhone, it doesn't seem "super". But if you saw the real one, you would know what a supermoon was. It's bigger, brighter and deeper! I was surprised. It's brighter than the street lamp near me. I thought that the moon would have had some "force". I've been still suffering from late-summer heat, but I thought I've got some force from the supermoon. I believe I will be getting better.