On the other hand, due to historical and cultural conflicts as well as conflicting national security interests, we must recognize that there are numerous difficult political issues. The problems of . . . 本文を読む
The financial crisis has suggested to many that the era of U.S. unilateralism may come to an end. It has also raised doubts about the permanence of the dollar as the key global currency.
I also fee . . . 本文を読む
Fraternity as I mean it can be described as a principle that aims to adjust to the excesses of the current globalized brand of capitalism and accommodate the local economic practices that have been . . . 本文を読む
【神奈川9区:中山展宏】鳩山由紀夫民主党代表が” the monthly Japanese journal Voice”の9月号に寄せられた論稿の要約版がNew York Timesに掲載されました。これは、鳩山氏の「政治哲学ー経済哲学」、そして、鳩山氏の考える今後の日本が取るべき国際政治におけるスタンスにつきそのエッセンスを吐露したもの。私は、この記事&rdq . . . 本文を読む