

GT tours

2002-08-31 17:23:00 | Fishing GT

February 26, 2002

Here is an email message from Cruise Center:

"Sport fishing in this Andaman Sea especially G.T. Fishing becomes popular for most of our tourists from Japan. They spend 1 or 2 days at Raja Noi Island or at least a 3 day trip to Similan. There are still G.T. at Rajanoi Island during high tide from 15th - 3 rd night of the Lunar month worth fishing."


January 21, 2002

One angler emailed info about his fishing trip to Raja Noi island over the new year holidays. He caught two GT, weighing 20 kg and 6 kg.

Here is a story about his trip, reported by Mr. Adul:

Mr. Takenouchi chartered the sportfishing boat " Isabella "on the 1st of January 2002 for overnight trip. The boat left Phuket at 2.00 p.m. and around 3.30 p.m. Mr. Takenouchi started casting his popper at Elephant Rock around the northern tip of Raja Noi. After one hour of non-striking , Captain Ahmad decided to move the boat to the southern tip of this long-shape Island which is quite lengthy.

Normally the Giant Trivially in that area come up to the surface of the water early in the morning and very late in the afternoon when the sunlight turn yellow, before sunset. After keep on casting for a little while at last....the popper was attacked near the cliff. The fish dived deep trying to run away but after around 30 minutes of patiently fighting, Mr. Takenouchi won. The GT of Raja Noi was pulled on board Isabella for weighting and photographing before sending back to the sea at 7 o' clock in the evening. It weighted 20 kilograms !

That night, Mr. Takenouchi stayed on board, but he could not sleep because of pleasantness. Early next morning, another GT was caught by a popper also, it weighted 6 kg. Mr. Takenouchi got it from the same area of Raja Noi Island and he decided to return to Phuket with happiness. This GT Fishing Trip is less than 24 hours !

Contact : Adul ( operation )
Cruise Center, Phuket
Tel 66 76 288 888
Fax 66 76 388 488
e-mail : cruisecenter@hotmail.com


2002-08-08 19:52:00 | カンパチ
波2m、晴、 船:寿美礼丸、釣果:カンパチ1(7.3キロ)(乗船10 名でカンパチ5)、釣座:右舷ドウ、同行者:T山さん



2002-08-02 19:55:00 | カンパチ
波2~2.5m、晴、 船:たか丸、釣果:カンパチ1(5キロ)、ウメイロ、メイチダイ、小型シマアジ(乗船6名でカンパチ3、最大10キロ)、釣座:左舷ドウ

シマアジは最近よくないとのことで、朝一番からムロの泳がせでカンパチねらい。ムロは先週よりさらに魚影が濃くなり、コマセをチャミングすると水面にムロの群がつき、水深0mで3尾、4尾と釣れてくる。餌の心配なしで泳がせができるのはひさしぶり。手釣りの上手な人なら10分で50尾ぐらい確保できそう。コマセをチャミングするメリットは ムロを寄せておけばカンパチも船につくらしい。9時半ぐらいまでライト泳がせでカンパチ1本。ヒット棚は底から3m、 ムロを釣りながら置竿、片手間で泳がせていたら突然喰った。今日はカンパチの喰いは渋かった。その後、五目、モロコのポイントへ移動。私は終始モロコねらいで、一度喰わせたがハリス切れ。ハリスは60号だったが.....3度目の食い込みでハリスがとんでしまった。その後カンパチのポイントに移動するが、その後はあたりなしで終了。
