Breathtaking and exquisite in every way. Aimi has already won this competition for me. As I mentioned on another performer’s video, while every major composer has a great range of expressive purposes, often one major over-arching idea or thread running through all their music (in Beethoven’s case, ‘struggle - personal and cosmic, and the relation between the two - leading to redemption’), and for Chopin, it’s a kind of unique synthesis of joy and sadness running through all his music, a wistful nostalgia and quest of salvation in a Poland of his dreams, that of his childhood, and the hope of a homeland restored, all of this, but emotionally this fusion or synthesis of sadness and joy permeating everything.
While probably many or most of the musicians in this competition are onto all of this (this understanding of Chopin is mostly kind of obvious, verging on cliche), it’s what one does with all of this and how it’s processed that makes a Chopin interpretation, the pianist’s specific connection with such a journey and ability to convey it to the audience. To me, Aimi simply rises above all the rest in these respects. She’s the one I want guiding me through Chopin’s journey through joy and sorrow and hope. And it’s her playing that I can rely in when I need to hear Chopin’s message. There are many wonderful, stellar, performers in this competition, but ultimately I will choose, from among these, the musician that I feel speaking to me beyond the music, way beyond it. Aimi Kobayashi!!
Anon Ymousのコメント
そしてショパンの天才はこの小さな作品の中にも、幸福から絶望、そしてふたたび光へと再帰していく物語を内包させていて、彼女はそれをしっかりと読み取り演奏として再現している。 最後に圧巻なのはこの動画の最後に演奏した曲、53分ぐらいからながれるPrelude in D minor Op28 No.24である。 僕は今回初めてこの曲を聴いたのだが、素晴らしい傑作だと思った。このはげしさ、情念、そこに込められた劇的なドラマ...ある種の高貴な気品、気高さ、悲劇性...あたかも一人の人間の変転流生の一生をこの数分に閉じ込めたような作品。 これを聴いてショパンに対するぼくの想いが大きく変わった。