☆Nakano, Nagao & Okuda: "Civil Alliance for Peace and Constitutionalism" / deformed democracy by Abe
Nakano, Nagao & Okuda: "Civil Alliance for Peace and Constitutionalism" / deformed democracy by Abe
2016/06/17 に公開Koichi Nakano: Save Constitutional Democracy Japan and Association of Scholars Opposed to the Security-Related Laws / Utako Nagao: Mothers Against War / Aki Okuda: SEALDs (Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy- s)
2016/6/17 参院選公示直前、SEALDs奥田愛基氏ら市民連合が記者会見「改憲発議が初めて可能になるかもしれない選挙だ」~都知事選には「野党共闘を求めていく」と言及!