オサンポ walk - スキマ草 : 壁に生きる2 living on the wall

2017年11月22日 | 日記

No sure since when
I have been here
Looking down you

ベニシアさんでなく、ベコニアさんですか? どこからやって来たんです? 種になって飛んで来て? そんな排水口の僅かな土とスペースで大丈夫なんですか? って大丈夫だから生きているンすよっ! はあそうですよね。それにしてもなんでも、眺めはいいでしょうね? まあそうっすね。朝は朝陽を独り占め、日中はニンゲン眺めてなんぼして、夜はお月さんとランデヴー。あらま、結構なご身分ですこと…。

Aren't you Venetia, are you Begonia? Where did you come from? Flying as seeds? Is there enough space in the drainpipe? Have you got enough soil? I'm totally OK! That's why, I've been living here! Oh, yes, I see. Have you got a nice view? Yeah, in the morning, the sunlight is on only me, during daytime, I look down you humans and think about you are not much, at night, the moon and I see each other. Oh my god, you enjoy an elegant lifestyle...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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