オサンポ walk - 植物plant :スミレたち、あちこちの歩道のスキマにいて any violets live in the gap on the pavement

2021年11月15日 | 日記


片方はツマグロヒョウモンの幼虫に食べられたのか、葉っぱ全体が虫食い状態のよう。このスミレを見つけた時、数日前に出会ったツマグロヒョウモン を思い出した。





Two of violet have been living together on the pavement. On the left hand side, it would have been eaten by a caterpillar of Argyreus hyperbius. It reminded me of the Argyreus hyperbius who I met a few days ago.

On the right hand side, it seemed to be OK, it got some seeds. When I touched them, they dropped on the ground.

They have been succeded to prepare to next year.


→Around a few days later, after cutting grasses in neighbourhood, they were gone. I hope their seeds were safe and will come out of the ground next spring.

*not sure about my English...

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