オサンポ walk - サンポ文学 第二十五話 The story of walking No.25

2022年05月02日 | 日記









The story is about...

At some time during my life, I went for a walk everyday. I got to like walking, enjoyed walking myself. I searched new pavements/roads for walking. There were many types of them, such as sidewalks on Field, in a forest or in a new residential area.

I love to see any archtectures. When they had gardens, I checked what kind of plants there were.

It is difficult  for me to remember names of plants/trees, they are many and vary. I just see and photograph them the most of time.

Nearly all of my knowledge about plant/tree came from my childhood. It's just general ones.

Dayflower is usually blue.So I was a bit surprised when I found white ones. It might come from South Africa. 

It must be hard to remember all of their names. But when I get one, even if  just one, my eyesight will open widely. It's happy to know them.

*not sure about my English...



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