There are many flowers
It’s already come, spring. It’s started May, today. Seeing any flowers and trees, we understand the season is certainly changing. We sometimes want to discover something our circumstances by watching them. It’s only humans’ behaviour.
There are many flowers
We are picking up
It’s spring
ところで下の写真の、右手の真ん中くらいに見えるモノ、種でしょうか? いや、果実というらしいですね。この面白い形からやはり、この植物はオオイヌノフグリってことかしらん。この形がイヌのフグリに似ているからイヌノフグリ、とかでこちらは青い小花だったのでオオが付くオオイヌノフグリだと思いますが、しかしこの可愛らしいけど特徴のある形の果実と、イヌのあそこを結び付けるって、昔のヒトのユーモアセンス(?)に脱帽です。
It’s already come, spring. It’s started May, today. Seeing any flowers and trees, we understand the season is certainly changing. We sometimes want to discover something our circumstances by watching them. It’s only humans’ behaviour.
The yellow little flower in the first photograph would be youngia japonica?
A plant in the second photograph would be
a large field speedwell. There is a fruit that has a unique shape telling us the name?
*I’m not sure if my English grammars are correct.