ミニ三昧 : イワコー消しゴム :セリアで / love miniature - IWAKO erasers at Seria ¥100 shop

2017年11月20日 | 日記
ゲット イワコー

At Seria ¥100 shop
I found this
Sushi set

「とってもグー!」ではないですか?! この「醤油皿」は初めて見ました。セリアで見つける「イワコーおもしろ消しゴム」、以前はダイソーと同じただの「3個セット」だったんですが、時代の流れに合わせて(?)、やっと(?)セット内容が変わって来たんですね。ダイソーも先駆けて、セット内容物は同じものであっても、パッケージのデザインを変えたりして今風(?)にしましたよね。

プラスチックのトレイ、敷き紙まで付いています!(a plastic tray and a paper place mat)

で、他のカテゴリーの消しゴムも同じようなデザインのパッケージになっていました。ただ消しゴム自体は既に持っているものが多かったので、この「醤油皿」付きの「寿司セット」にしましたが、家に返ってから消しゴムのサイズがもしや小さい? ということに気がつきました。

「醤油皿」のアップです。分解もしてみました。「消しゴム」製です。ちゃんと消せるらしいです が、勿体無いので使えません。

I LOVE this Sushi set at the Seria ¥100 shop. I've never seen the dish for soy sauce, that's why I bought it. The company has been trying to charge designs for packages, to follow the sense of our modern lives, I think.

I noticed two sushi from the Seria, they are smaller than the standard sized erasers. I photographed the three sized them, look at them to compare. The mini-two sushi on the dish, it's a representative Kaiten(Rolling)-Sushi.
We could enjoy finding any differences among them, if they are the same types of sushi, the details are slightly different.(let's enjoy being a mania)

*In addiction
The last three photos, it focuses on the dish for soy sauce. I tried to separate them. They are also eraser, so that we can erase letters on paper. But I cannot use them, they are my collections.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 霜月、秋の水面2 surface of water in November in autumn

2017年11月19日 | 日記

On the surface
It's floating
Laughing in that day

♫今はもう秋〜誰もいない海〜♫ ...海ではなく、池ですが。ヒト気のない公園で、池の中の空を眺めている。…絵になりそうな、と思いながら、初めはそんな辺りから思い出すことが細々とあり、それからあれへ、とちょっとした発想の飛躍があり、そしてあれやこれやと色々と小さなモノが合わさって混沌とし、やがてはただの雑念となっていく…。澄んだ水面を見ながら。

"It's already autumn... no one is there in the sea..." it's some lyrics from the famous song. Here is a pond not sea. There was few people, I saw at the surface of water of the pond. It's like a painting, I started to remember something from the past. There were some ideas in my head, they changed to the others and also triggered another things, then jumped into a different dimension. Then...they became chaos, and just turned into worldly thoughts... Looking at the surface.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ-番外編:挟まれて lost goods-another story:being stuck in the poles

2017年11月18日 | 日記

I've been stuck here
I'm Daisy from Disney
Was dropped

朝そこを通りかかると、カラフルなモノが目の端に入ってきてなんじゃろ?っと思ったら、あらまあデイジーちゃんが、挟まれていました。柱と…箱型の? 電機関係の、何かですか? の間に。…恐らく、道に落ちていたのを誰かが拾って…ここに、キュッと挟んでいったのでしょう。これで踏まれたりのアクシデントは避けられたと思いますが…しかし、ここに居て、持ち主は元より、どれくらいのヒトが目に出来るのか……? デイジーちゃんは、いつまでここにいることになるんでしょう…。南無(じゃない?)。

When I passed by there, I caught something colourful by my eyes. What's it? Oh, dear, she is Daisy! who seems that being stuck between the gap since...? I guess, someone found her dropped (lying) on the road, picked her up then put into the gap with kindness. She now could avoid to be stepped over but the owner and how many people can see find her...? Until when will she be here... oh my... worried.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 霜月、秋の水面 surface of water in November in autumn

2017年11月17日 | 日記

The autumn sky is clear and high
Let's go out
There are some autumn on the surface


It's a find day, in an autumn day. Everything became autumn. Also there is a part of autumn on the surface of the pond.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「にっぽんスズメ歳時記」The sparrows in Japan with seasonal topics

2017年11月16日 | 日記

The sparrows in Japan
You, lovely sparrows
Be friends

この方のインスタグラムのフォローも始めました。ホホ…。スーさん。チュンする。スズメする。スズメが日々の生活の中に存在しているって、一つの楽しみになると思うんです。世の中が平和ってことでもあると思いますし! ずっとスズメしていたいです。

The book is about the sparrows in Japan (only in Japanese). One photographer, who obsesses by them. He also has his Instagram about the sparrows. If you are interested in, you could follow it. To like sparrows very much, I call it "Do sparrow". I believe that it would become one of our fun times. What's more, we can say that Japan is in peace, that's why, we enjoy being them. I hope this peace will be stayed forever!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋142 lost glove142

2017年11月15日 | 日記

In the late autumn
It's for Snow Ride
An odd glove


During daytime, it should be ok if we wouldn't have our gloves. Only early mornings and late evenings, we might need our gloves when we ride our bicycles and motor bikes. Anyway, the owner of the glove...his/her right hand must feel cold...

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 霜月、秋の白菊 white chrysanthemum in November in autumn

2017年11月14日 | 日記

Autumn has already come
It says
Many white chrysanthemums blooming


Are that white chrysanthemum? There many, many flowers blooming! White and pure, they are.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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オサンポ walk - 霜月、秋のススキ Japanese silver grass in November in autumn

2017年11月13日 | 日記

Some Japanese sliver grasses
And the electrical pole are standing
In the autumn evening


Artifact and natural. Inorganic material and organic material. They are completely opposite but they seem to be corroborated. We often see them together in our daily lives so we might get used to them.
I'm really impressed about the sky in November. It's so clearly! I imagine, the remains of sunlight makes it clear when it goes to next morning... (it's a kind of poet)

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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日乗 diary - 落としモノ 手袋141 lost glove141

2017年11月12日 | 日記

Oh, it's "Guwashi"?
It's not
It means "What up?"


The meaning is changeable, it depends on countries. I found some on the website that told me, this sign is used among heavy rockers. Wow.

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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ホンヨミ Book-loving 「みみずくは黄昏に飛び立つ」a Horned owl takes wings in the evening

2017年11月11日 | 日記

Haruki and Mieko
Having a talk
verbally spar


It's an interview book that is, the interviewee is Haruki Murakami, the interviewer is Mieko Kawakami. I'm not sure if they have in an English book. Haruki is a very famous novelist so, there must be or going to sell out in the near future. One thing that I remembered from the book, is, Haruki said, "...people who can't become novelist if they are too smart or foolish. And, they must have a kind of spiritualness". Oh... and have to read loads of books! Read, read books!!!

*I'm not sure if my English grammars are correct.
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