自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ九十七

2021年08月11日 | 日記





Today, I wrote about Japanese,  I put two Japanese words together then changed their the meaning. It's so difficult to expain about that in English...I gave up. Sorry.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ九十六

2021年08月10日 | 日記






Even if it is extreme hot summer, we work, because we are ant.


Only one ant was moving something like a piece of leaf or a wing of an insect. The ant must have had a strong jaw??

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ九十五

2021年08月09日 | 日記

朝顔どーん! 暑くても咲いとる。



暑い? 熱い? 水があれば結構、太陽大好き! 的な。羨ましい限りです。


The morning glories are cheerfully opening! Even it's been HOT.


Hot? Heated? If there is water, we will be OK! We love sunshine!  Oh, are they? I envy them.

*not sure about my English... 

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ九十四

2021年08月08日 | 日記






Thank you in French is Merci.


"I know that!" I thought so. Merci will be popular as the same as Thank you in English.

Why I thought it... during watching the Olympic games. (The official languages of the Olympic are French and English)

*not sure about my English...

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芸術 art - 公園に芸術が(クラウド・ピース) an art is in the park

2021年08月07日 | 日記







It was created by Ono Yoko, the title is "Cloud Piece", that has been burried in the ground. There is the mirror  on the bottom, so some clouds can be seen by you when you look in it.



I forgot to ckeck it if I can upload that mirror on the web, so I illustrated. Sorry it's not a good work.

I hope that whenever we look it in, the coulds always belong to piece...

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ九十三

2021年08月06日 | 日記




とか、ナイでしょうか?? 最近そんなことを、願ってばかり、ん。



If you see a wagtail in the morning, you will have a nice day.


Have you ever heard that saying? I hope so.

(the bird in the picture, would be a kind of wagtail, I guess so)

*not sure about my English...

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川柳 satirical haiku(senryu) - 其ノ三

2021年08月05日 | 日記

ヒルガオも ラブリー!っと 思う夏



Those bindweeds are lovely, I didn't think so, it's summer 2021

The commentary: They are thought as "weed" but honestly they were lovely, thier pink flowers were in the bright green leaves. Vividly!

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ九十二

2021年08月04日 | 日記






There is a winner, that's why, there is a person who didn't win. It wouldn't be ture, there is a person who didn't win, there is a winner.


I guess that some people from ancient Rome would say like that. That saying came up in my mind when I've seen many games of the Olympics.

*not sure about my English...

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自由律俳句 Like Haiku - 其ノ九十一

2021年08月03日 | 日記






Life, sometime we deeply feel defeat.


I love football. We didn't win over Spain team at the Olympic game, 0-1. But almost!

*not sure about my English...

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オサンポ walk - 虫bug: 今年の、ツマグロヒョウモン蝶は、How about Argyreus hyperbius in this summer?

2021年08月02日 | 日記

その幼虫かな? っと思われる毛虫は一匹見かけましたが、大人になった蝶を、まだ見ていません。一回だけオレンジっポイ蝶が、目の端をかすめて行きましたが、それとは確実に確認できずでした。

去年は、この草地に100頭ぐらいいるのでは?! っという光景を目にしたので、今年も? っと思っていたのですが・・・。これから、でしょうか?


I saw this butterfly's baby(thought so) around less than 2 months ago, I haven't seen any adult ones. Just one time, I would have looked it briefly, I wasn't sure if the butterfly was Argyreus hyperbius.

Last year, in some field, I saw them so many, around 100 !? So, this year must be the same, I thought but...

they will come out soon?

When I see violets, I look for them around there, because they like that plant.

*not sure about my English...

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