(3)Abe refrains from visiting shrine to ease China tensions
Abe refrains from visiting shrine to ease China tensions
Shinzo Abe, Japan’s prime minister, sent an offering to a controversial war shr . . . 本文を読む
Official visits to Yasukuni have long been a tense point in regional relations because victims of Japanese wartime aggression, including China and South Korea, view the site as a potent symbol that . . . 本文を読む
(2)Japan’s Premier Stays Away From War Shrine, but Sends Offering
Japan’s Premier Stays Away From War Shrine, but Sends Offering
Japan’s hawkish new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, observed the annive . . . 本文を読む
Abe has preserved his own popularity by focusing on economic issues during his nine months in office. Some analysts fear that, emboldened by his ruling party’s parliamentary victory last month, he m . . . 本文を読む
How Abe addresses Japan’s history, analysts say, will largely define relations with China and South Korea in coming years. On Thursday, the 68th anniversary of Japan’s World War II surrender, Abe ap . . . 本文を読む
2013年夏の終戦記念日、安倍総理は靖国神社参拝を見合わせました。妥当な選択だったと思います。なぜならば、これにより、集団的自衛権を巡る政府解釈の是正、教科書検定における所謂「近隣諸国条項」の撤廃、憲法改正に向けた(国民投票の有権者年齢の引き下げを含む)立法措置、あるいは、国際基準とより整合的で社会的にも合理的な「積年平準の低線量放射線被曝許容値」の大幅な引き下げ等々、重要さにおいては「首相の . . . 本文を読む