所謂「ねじれ国会」(twisted Diet/twisted Parliament)という事態は憲法が両院制を採用していることの必然的結果の一類型であり、それ自体が現行憲法の不備の証左とまでは言えないと思います。けれども、先日まで僅かの中断期間を除けば6年程続いた「ねじれ国会」には、憲法典と憲法慣習の二重の意味での現行憲法体系の不具合が露呈していたの、鴨。要は、日本は一 . . . 本文を読む
Among those changes are an expected reinterpretation of the constitution to end a self-imposed ban on exercising the right of collective self-defense, or aiding an ally . . . 本文を読む
(3)Japan's Abe has chance to show true colors after big election win
(Reuters; July 22, 2013)
Japan's Abe has chance to show true colors after big election win
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe' . . . 本文を読む
Perhaps as a result, Mr. Abe spent much of the campaign promoting his economic accomplishments, which have included a rally in Japan’s stock market and, with the drop in the value of the yen, a repr . . . 本文を読む
So long as the Liberal Democratic Party’s coalition holds together, it will not face new elections for three years. That could free Mr. Abe to follow his early economic stimulus initiatives with th . . . 本文を読む
(2)Election Win by Ruling Party Signals Change in Japan
(NYT; July 21, 2013)
Election Win by Ruling Party Signals Change in Japan
Japanese voters handed a landslide victory to the governing Liber . . . 本文を読む
As part of his economic revival plan, Abe has pledged a set of reforms. One batch, unveiled before the election, left investors unimpressed. But economists hope that Abe can use his political capita . . . 本文を読む
確かに、クライン孝子さんがしばしば語られているように、例えば、ドイツでは「健全な」「穏健な」「健康な」という形容句のつかない単なる「Nationalismus」や「Nationalist」にあまり良い意味はないと聞きます。しかし、多くの辞書には「sometimes derogator/sometimes inapproving」(時には軽蔑の意を込めて/時には賛成できかねると . . . 本文を読む
本稿は「参議院選挙・2013」における安倍総理率いる自民党の圧勝を伝えた海外報道の紹介です。紹介するのは、Washington Post(WPST) の Chico Harlan氏の記事、New York Times(NYT)のMartin Fackler東京支局長の記事、そして、ReutersのLinda Sieg氏による署名配信記事の三本。
(1)Japan ruling bloc cr . . . 本文を読む