英語と書評 de 海馬之玄関



2009年05月27日 20時34分03秒 | 英字新聞と英語の雑誌から(~2010年)


If the test on Monday was more successful than the one in 2006, it could mean that North Korea has bolstered its atomic weapons capabilities — and its leverage over the United States, which has sought to denuclearize the North.

Several issues are worsening already tense relations between the two nations, including the North’s test-firing of a long-range rocket on April 5. In addition, two American journalists are scheduled to be tried June 4 in North Korea, charged with illegal entry into the North and “hostile acts.”

In February 2007, Washington agreed to ease sanctions on banks dealing with Pyongyang, and North Korea concurrently agreed to a process that would lead to the dismantling of its nuclear weapons program. North Korea would receive deliveries of fuel oil in exchange for certain verifications that it was ending its program.

But last December the process collapsed when North Korea rejected the verification measures being sought by the Bush administration.

The Obama administration has attempted to restart talks aimed at getting the North to halt its weapons program, but the North Koreans said this month that it had become “useless” to talk with Washington because it had not abandoned “hostilities.”・・・
(New York Times:May 26, 2009)






●N. Korea Conducts 'Successful' Underground Nuclear Test

North Korea exploded a nuclear device Monday morning, startling the world with its second underground test in three years and vexing the Obama administration, which has said it wants to solve the nuclear impasse with North Korea.

The test, described as "successful" by the communist state's official Korean Central News Agency, escalates a pattern of provocation that this spring has included a long-range missile launch, detention of two U.S. journalists, kicking out U.N. nuclear inspectors, restarting a plutonium factory and halting six-nation nuclear negotiations.

On Monday afternoon, North Korea fired three surface-to-air missiles into the sea, according to South Korea's defense minister, Lee Sang-hee. It was an apparent effort to chase off U.S. spy planes monitoring the nuclear test site, according to Yonhap, the South Korean news agency, which quoted an unnamed South Korean official. The missiles, with a range of about 80 miles, were launched from near a coastal base where last month North Korea launched a long-range missile. In Washington, President Obama accused North Korea of "recklessly challenging the international community" with its nuclear and missiles tests. He added in an early morning statement that "the danger posed by North Korea's threatening activities warrants action by the international community."

"North Korea's attempts to develop nuclear weapons, as well as its ballistic missile program, constitute a threat to international peace and security," he said.

The test was also strongly condemned by all of North Korea's neighbors in Northeast Asia, including its historic allies China and Russia. The U.N. Security Council is scheduled to meet at 4 p.m. EDT on Monday in emergency session to discuss the matter.






North Korea said that its second nuclear test was more powerful and better controlled than its first, which was conducted in October, 2006, and which many experts characterized as a semi-failure.

Early evidence suggests that may be true. The explosion produced a 4.7-magnitude tremor, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was measured in South Korea as a 4.5-magnitude quake. The previous nuclear test registered 3.58 on the Richter scale. ・・・



The 2006 test pushed the Bush administration to negotiate directly with North Korea and produced agreements that, in return for Pyongyang's promises to give up nuclear weapons, gave North Korea food, fuel and diplomatic concessions, including removal from a U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism. Those talks have since broken down, primarily because of a dispute over verifying what weapons exist in the North.

This time around, the shock factor is much diminished.

U.S. experts agree that North Korea has enough weapons-grade plutonium to make six to eight bombs. Officials in Pyongyang said earlier this year that all of the plutonium has been "weaponized.". ・・・




A few hours after the nuclear test, foreign ministers from South Korea and Japan agreed that their countries would demand an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council. The two were in Hanoi for a conference.

In Tokyo, Prime Minister Taro Aso said that Japan "absolutely cannot tolerate" the nuclear test because North Korea is also beefing up its ballistic missile capability, which "could be a means of transportation for weapons of mass destruction."

On Monday night, Japan dispatched three military aircraft from separate bases to monitor the possible presence of radioactive substances in the air, the Defense Ministry said. Japan's anxiety about the test is heightened by its vulnerability to attack from nearby North Korea, which has more than 200 mid-range Nodong missiles capable of striking most of the country.

U.S. intelligence and some independent experts have concluded that North Korea has built or is attempting to build nuclear warheads small enough to fit atop those missiles. ・・・





After North Korea launched its missile in April, China resisted moves by Japan, South Korea and the United States to use the United Nations as a vehicle for new sanctions against Pyongyang. The 2006 nuclear test, though, brought criticism from China and resulted in a regimen of new U.N. sanctions against North Korea.

The United States and Japan were taking the lead Monday in fashioning a diplomatic response that would condemn the latest nuclear test, according to a Security Council diplomat. ・・・



Whatever North Korea's long-range negotiation goals may be, the immediate trigger for Monday's nuclear test appears to have been harsh criticism from the United States and most of the rest of world over the April long-range missile launch. ・・・

Still, it demonstrated to many Western experts a new and worrying capacity by North Korea to build multi-stage rockets that could one day deliver a nuclear warhead as far as Hawaii, Alaska or the U.S. mainland.
(WPST:May 25, 2009)





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