しかし、そこは転んでもただでは起きない/風邪ひいてもブログネタを見逃さないがモットーの私。そして、見つけました♪ 何のことはない毎回TOEICの試験会場で配布される『受験者の皆様へ』という注意書きです。「これそのままTOEICのパート7(読解問題:Reading Comprehension)に出題されてもおかしくない英文だよ」、「ここ数年、パート7の課題文が長くなる傾向があるので、この『受験者の皆様へ』はTOEIC対策講座でそのまま使える<最新傾向の英文素材>かもしれないね」と思いました。
風邪でも引いていなきゃこれをちゃんと読むことなんか多分なかったですから、「儲け!」「ラッキー」でした。でもって、これをTOEIC形式の問題にさっそく変形してみました。ただし、ボリュームの都合上「テストブックには一切書き込みはしないでください。どのような書き込みであれTOEICを開発しているETS(Educational Testing Service)はそれを不正行為とみなします」というセンテンスは割愛しています。
また、本文で二番目の「◆」記号の箇所:” While in the testing room confirm that” ですが、ここはパンクチュエーション(punctuation:句読点の使い方)の観点からは「カンマ」があった方が良いと思います。老婆心ながら申し上げると” While in the testing room, confirm that”の方が正規の英文ではないかということ(カンマを打って、省略されている部分を「炙り出し」するとここは以下のようになると思います)。
While you are in the testing room, please confirm that・・・
Questions 1-5 refer to the following notice.
In order to maintain the very best testing condition for all examinees, we ask for your cooperation with regard to all electronic devices, including mobile telephones, paging devices, and all other sound-emitting objects.
If a noise does occur during the listening portion of the test, the affected questions will not be repeated. The testing time will also not be altered if a noise occurs during the reading section.
◆All mobile telephone functions including but not limited to conversation, email, Internet, and photography are prohibited in the testing room.
◆While in the testing room confirm that the power to all devices is turned off.
・Automatic settings, such as alarms, may create noise even if the power is turned off. Therefore, all automatic functions must be disabled.
・Sound disturbances caused by potable audio players are increasing. Be sure to turn off the power and lock the device so that no function can start by objects accidentally touching the controls.
◆A test proctor will confirm that the power has been shut off in accordance with the above instructions.
◆If you do not know how to turn off the power to your electronic devices, please ask a member of our staff for assistance.
Other warnings
◆Test proctors will make rounds of the test room to confirm that optimal testing conditions are maintained and that all examinees comply with the instructions and warnings.
◆Certain noises are unavoidable during the test, such as those associated with turning of test book pages and movement of test proctors. Even if a noise does occur during the listening portion of the test, the affected questions will not be repeated. The testing time will also not be altered if a noise occurs during the reading section.
◆Refer to the examinee guide for other warnings and instructions.
Failing to follow test-proctor and/or printed instructions may well result in (1) your answer sheet not being scored, (2) dismissal from the test site, and/or (3) refusal of future test applications.
We would like to thank you for your understanding and cooperation so that all examinees will have equal opportunity to maximize their test performance. Feel free to ask a member of our staff if you have any questions.
TOEIC Steering Committee
(1) Who is this notice intended for?
(A) Staff of the steering committee
(B) Proctors
(C) Examinees’ parents
(D) Examinees
(2)What is NOT true of TOEIC?
(A) Examinees may use either a pencil or a mechanical pencil.
(B) Examinees are prohibited from using a personal stereo.
(C) Examinees are banned from using a watch set up with an alarm.
(D) Examinees may talk on a cellular phone during the test.
(3)What does this notice recommend examinees do if they don’t feel well at the test?
(A) Go to the hospital as soon as possible.
(B) Endure until the end of the test.
(C) Ask an examiner to help you.
(D) Ask one of the proctors to neglect your answer sheet.
(4)What can NOT be expected if one disobeys warnings?
(A) Answer sheet not being scored
(B) Dismissal of the examinee from the test site
(C) Refusal of future test applications
(D) A fine
(5)What is an examinee required to do before the beginning of the test?
(A) Use the bathroom, if necessary.
(B) Record the initial speaking trial with the PC allocated for each examinee.
(C) Show the proctor his/her ID.
(D) Show the proctor that the power of his/her cellular phone has been turned off.
with regard to ~に関して
electronic device 電気機器
paging device インターネット画像表示装置
sound-emitting 音を発生させる
affected questions 影響を受けた設問
confirm 確認する
automatic settings 自動的に~の機能を設定する
test proctor 試験官
in accordance with ~に基づいて
optimal conditions 理想的な条件
unavoidable 避けることができない
associated with ~に付随して/関連して
alter 変更する
warning 警告
dismissal from ~からの退場
steering committee 運営委員会
(1)D (2)D (3)C
(4)D (5)D
↓ ↓ ↓
にほんブログ村 英会話ブログ
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